사랑하는 유재국에게

유종열 이안숙
2008-08-14 00:00:00
My Beloved Son Jae Gook:

How are you today? Is everything all right with you?

Mom and I are very happy to see that you scored 100 with your Engklish Word Test for two consecutive days.

We miss you so much and come into your room and think of you as if you were there playing games. I am wainting for you to come home soon.

Did you loose your weight or are you maintaining your weight? Did you grow in height?

Do you want to eat anything special on the day that you are coming back home? If you like to eat anything special I will take you to such a restaurant that serves such foods. So think about what kind of foods you would like to eat.

Jae Nah is also goin to an academy in Boondang. Sh leaves home at 7:30 and come back home in the late afternoon. But sh wtill sleeps for long hours. When she doent to go the academy shw wakes up as late as 2 oclock in the afternoon.

I wish you good health a big success.

Father and Mother in Shinwon-ri